Bright Eglish Studio初の、「大人の旅」。生徒さんたちの英作文で、毎日を綴っています😊
今日は私の番です。英検1級のライテイングと、日常の感想を綴る日記ってまた全然違いますよね。とっても難しい~~😊💦💦 生徒さんたちの表現力に脱帽なのです。
New Zealand でのホームステイ日記、3日目!😊
Today, we could start a bit late because, for the last two days, we had a quite tight schedule to participate in two main events on this trip. We strolled around the city of Christchurch, which had a terrible earthquake in the very same year as the Great East Japan Earthquake.
Many buildings as well as the Cathedral were destroyed and the reconstruction is still ongoing even though 13 years have passed.
Our host mother said she is against it because she thinks it’s a waste of money. I agree with her opinion from a different perspective. Leaving it(in this case, the Cathedral) as it is will have a much greater impact on visitors(Like Hiroshima Dome) and also remind Kiwi people of the time they shared the same sorrow and empathy. Anyway, I felt closer to this city because we have experienced similar struggles.
Our first destination was the City Library.
This place is focused on identity and diversity.
We could find many books and exhibitions about Maori culture and human identity such as sexual minorities.
It was so intriguing that we spent quite a long time here.
最初の目的地は市立図書館でした。 この図書館はアイデンティティ、多様性などに焦点を当てた場所でした。
In the afternoon, we went to the Willowbank Wildlife Reserve Park. I didn’t know that a kiwi bird is nocturnal. we went into a dark and quiet space and paid full attention to find four kiwi birds! Luckily, we could find three of them! Even though we were in the darkness, I could know they were so adorable!
明日からはまた生徒さんの日記です✨✨ お楽しみに😊✨✨